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Business Challenges

Business, in general, faces a lot of challenges today. They are out there, different point of views, different perspectives, a lot of articles written by experts and well-established research analysis companies. Someone says challenges are ten, someone says eight, someone else says seven, but many agree to the following:

Uncertainty, Globalization, Innovation, Government Policy and Regulations, Technology, Diversity, Complexity, Information Overload, Supply Chain, Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving.

INH agrees with this list (couldn’t be any different). There are solutions out there for each one of these challenges. But INH believes there is one more, and can eventually enclose some of the previous ones.

“Business Adaptation to the Cultural Change and Shifting”.

But what that does it mean?
We can tackle this challenge from a different point of views. INH is going to discuss a little bit the fundamentals shifts in customers’ behaviour. Clients today, don’t have patience and tolerance for any delay or latency when it comes down to any kind of their transactions with you. You have to bridge the gap between you and what the client wants, putting together quickly your internal and external resources, facing issues and resolve problems. Not doing that, it will easily put at a disadvantage any company. According to recent studies, many companies analyse millions of online consumer/business conversations, then turn this social data into actionable insights. Areas of interest of the analysis, are:

Power of Word of Mouth, Social Applications, Mobile, Consumer Demand for Reviews, Marketer Demand for Reviews, Consumer Demand for Questions & Answers, Cross-Channel Marketing, User-Generated Content Beyond the Web, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Advertising and Media, Industry: Manufacturing, Retail and Travel, Financial Services and all the others.

That’s why companies need Online Collaboration … but are their employees ready?

Salesforce-Rypple reminds that 96% of exec cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.
McKinsey Global Institute reports that failing to implement social technology makes high skill employees and management 20-25% less productive.
Deloitte almost 2 years ago, already published an article saying that within 3 years, 86% of the workforce will acknowledge the importance of Online Collaboration tools for the daily business.
O2, a telecom company held a “leave your staff at home day”. They used social collaboration solutions to work remotely.

Results speak for themselves:

  • 9.000 pounds of employees money was saved on commuting costs.
  • Employees spent an extra 1000 hours working that would normally be spent commuting.
  • 36% of workers said they were more productive than normal.
  • Electricity use down 12% and water use down 53%.
  • There was a 12.2 tonne reduction in CO2 emissions.

According to InSites, 7 out of 10 users are using social networks to connect, share content and stay informed. So, it appears that most of the people are ready.

Something to think about.