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In this page, you find some useful resources such as articles and analysis about IT trends which you may find interesting, video tutorials about the solution offered and some of the solutions prices.

Benefits of Online Collaboration. Pick the right one for you.

If you think about, online collaboration takes you back to the original purpose of the Internet, CONNECTING PEOPLE THROUGH COMPUTERS. In 1968, engineers had prepared a complete plan for a network of computers all sharing information among themselves. It was the predecessor of the internet, called ARPANET. It came online in October of 1969, with the first message sent through its computer network.

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Online Collaboration: why a big company should adopt it?

Today many corporations have operations worldwide. A large company might have offices in multiple continents, some large companies are making alliances with competitors, and some large companies buy out a competitor with the result of having to integrate their acquisition into their operations. Face-to-face interactions still play an important role in conducting business, but it’s just not possible to limit all collaborative projects and tasks to personal meetings.

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Why a Small & Medium Company should adopt Online Collaboration?

Our experience with Small and Medium Business owners and managers, highlighted that for many of them collaboration is:

  • To have very well-known people ready to take charge of a project
  • The ability to quickly put the right people on the right task
  • The consequent ability to address issues and advance the business agenda faster than their larger and more bureaucratic competitors

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Audio-Web Conference. What is it and why is a game changer.

Web conferencing refers to a service that allows conferencing events to be shared with remote locations. These are sometimes referred to as webinars or, for interactive conferences, online workshops. In general, the service is made possible by Internet technologies, particularly on TCP/IP connections. The service allows real-time point-to-point communications as well as multicast communications from one sender to many receivers.

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New business challenges nowadays?

Business in general faces a lot of challenges to day. They are out there, different point of views, different perspectives, lot of articles written by experts and well established research analysis companies. Someone says challenges are ten, someone says eight, someone else says seven, but many agrees to the following:
Uncertainty, Globalization, Innovation, Government Policy ad Regulations, Technology, Diversity, Complexity, Information Overload, Supply Chain, Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving.

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Online Collaboration services appeal

It’s no secret that online collaboration services vendors, large and small, seek to provide robust toolsets that address either a specific need or set of business scenarios. The bulk of these vendors, however, simply aren’t seeking to deliver a comprehensive set of collaboration services such as email, document workspaces, real-time technologies and social tools. Rather, they are building a set of interconnected services which prominently feature file sharing as a way for businesses to interact with internal and external constituents. Forrester refers to this as a “cloud collaboration ecosystem.”

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Highway to the Cloud. A new way to conceive IT

One of the areas of confusion is the definition of Cloud Computing.  There are many definitions of Cloud Computing out there.  Here is one of them that seems to represent the most commonly held view.  It’s from the National Institute of Standards (NIST) and seems to have gained in popularity, not only in the US, but also the rest of the world as well.

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Let’s Go Viral

Many people believe that by engaging on social media they are doing digital marketing but this is not 100% true, as there are many more components that make up a digital marketing campaign.

What is Digital Marketing?

INH definition of Digital marketing is: Building awareness and promoting a brand or product online using all available digital channels.

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Data Protection & Backup

No matter the dimension of your company, no matter the industry you are in, your company must think about storing, protecting, and managing growing amounts of business information.
Companies are seeing that critical and not critical business data, is increasingly extending beyond a centralized location within the organization spanning a distributed IT environment, a distributed number of employees (smaller branch offices of larger parent company) and often mobile workforce.

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